Tianjin, China


Tianjin, China

Discovery Synthesis for Oligonucleotides, Amidites and GalNAc

The site offers discovery synthesis for oligonucleotide, amidite and GalNAc from library screening to preclinical candidates’ selection.

The oligonucleotide discovery platform provides library synthesis, custom synthesis (nmol), and mid-scale synthesis (mmol). The services cover all types of oligonucleotides with dedicated analytical support for all required testing.

The capability of oligonucleotide discovery teams includes: siRNA, sgRNA, miRNA synthesis; DNA, ASO, PMO & aptamer synthesis; 2H / 13C / 15N labelled oligonucleotide synthesis; various sugar / backbone modified oligonucleotide synthesis

Experience Highlight:

  • 50,000+ oligonucleotides per year
  • Synthesize long oligonucleotides up to 158-nt

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