Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

Last updated date: [April 1, 2024]

WuXi STA (including Shanghai SynTheAll Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., WuXi AppTec (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and other affiliates related to the operation of this Website, the marketing activities on this Website, and the production and sales of the products, collectively referred to as “We”) value your privacy and personal information protection. This Personal Information Protection Policy (“Policy”) aims to explain to you how we and/or third parties entrusted by us collect, use, and retain your personal information, as well as your personal information rights.

This Policy applies to the products (“Products”) and/or services (“Services”) provided by [] (“Website”). This Website is provided and controlled by Shanghai SynTheAll Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., who can be reached by [] at [90 Delin Road Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, 200131, China].

Before using our Services, please carefully read and thoroughly understand this Policy, especially the terms and conditions in bold. Please only use the Products and Services after confirming that you fully understand and agree to this Policy.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this Policy, you may contact us through the contact information provided in Part VII.

In this Policy, “personal information” refers to various types of information that are recorded by electronic or other means and related to any identified or identifiable natural person, which excludes anonymized information. “Sensitive personal information” refers to the personal information that is likely to result in damage to one’s dignity or personal or property safety once disclosed or illegally used, such as biometric identification, religious beliefs, specific identity, medical health, financial account, and whereabouts and tracked locations, as well as the personal information of minors under the age of 14.

This Policy aims to help you understand:

I. How we collect and use your personal information
II. How we share, transfer, disclose, and entrust others to process your personal information
III. How we protect your personal information
IV. Your rights
V. How we transfer your personal information globally
VI. How this Policy is updated
VII. Contact us

I. How we collect and use your personal information

1. Marketing information provision

This Website provides visitor mode, where you may be allowed to browse Products and Services information without registering an account. However, if you would like to receive our latest marketing campaign information, you can contact us through the contact information displayed in the “Contact Us” section. When contacting us, we will obtain your personal information (at least include name, work email, mobile phone number, country/region, position, areas of interest and services, and cookies of the user’s website) and provide marketing information to you.

2. Campaign registration

If you wish to register for offline activities displayed on this Website, you can contact us through the contact information displayed in the “Contact Us” section. When contacting us, we may obtain and use personal information (at least include name, work email, mobile phone number, country/region, position, areas of interest and services, and cookies of the user’s website) that you provide to us, so that we can arrange for your participation in the activities.

3. Manage customer relationships

If you are interested in our Products and/or Services, wish to seek commercial cooperation, or if you wish to inquire about any Products or Services, you can contact us through the contact information displayed in the “Contact Us” section. When contacting us, we may obtain and use personal information (at least include name, work email, mobile phone number, country/region, position, areas of interest and services, and cookies of the user’s website) that you provide to us, so that we can answer or handle your questions, opinions, or suggestions, and provide timely feedback.

4. Material download

If you wish to download the information, product, and service brochure displayed on this Website, you can contact us through the contact information displayed in the “Contact Us” section. When contacting us, we may obtain and use personal information (at least include name, work email, mobile phone number, country/region, position, areas of interest and services, and cookies of the user’s website) you provided to us, so that we can provide you with corresponding content on the Website.

5. Internal audit, data analysis, and research

We may also conduct statistical analysis based on the information you provide to us under this Policy, so that we can evaluate, maintain and improve the Products and Services, develop new products and services, and provide customer support.

6. Cookies and other similar technologies

Cookies and similar device information identification technologies are commonly used on the Internet. We may use such technologies to send one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers (“Cookies”) to your device, to collect, identify, and retain information when you visit and use this Website. We set Cookies for the purpose of monitoring user traffic, ensuring the safety and efficiency of the Website operation, troubleshooting Website abnormalities, and helping you avoid the repeated search steps and processes, etc. We will not use Cookies for any purpose other than those specified in this Policy. You may modify your consent or reject Cookies in your browser, but in this way, you cannot continue to use the corresponding services or functions that rely on Cookies.

7. You fully acknowledge and agree that we may collect and use your personal information without your consent, under any of the following circumstances:

(1) Where it is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract requested by you;
(2) Where it is necessitated by the performance of our legal obligations;
(3) Where it is necessary for responding to public health emergencies, or for the purpose of protecting your or others’ health and safety or property in emergencies;
(4) Where the personal information is used in news reporting or public sentiment monitoring in the public interest within a reasonable scope;
(5) Where the personal information is collected from publicly available information within a reasonable scope;
(6) Other circumstances specified in laws and administrative regulations.

Please note that we consider minors under the age of fourteen as children. Our services are aimed at the general public and are not specifically designed or targeted towards children. We will not intentionally collect, use or share any personal information about children. When we become aware that we have collected personal information about children, we will delete relevant information.

Please note, if you provide personal information of others, you must ensure that you have obtained authorization or consent from the relevant personal information subject.

Please note, in accordance with applicable laws, if we take technical measures to process personal information, making it impossible to be used to re-identify specific individuals and such processing is irreversible, we may use such information for statistics and analysis to improve our Services, and to support our business decisions, and it does not require separate notice and your consent.

II. How we share, transfer, disclose, and entrust others to process your personal information

1. Entrusted processing

We may entrust cooperative parties (such as marketing service providers) to process your personal information so that they can provide you with certain services or perform certain functions on behalf of us. We will only entrust the parties to process your information for achieving the purposes specified in this Policy, and the authorized parties can only access the information to the extent necessary to perform their duties. They have no right to use it for other purposes beyond the scope of the entrustment agreement unless they seek your consent separately.

2. Sharing

We will keep your personal information strictly confidential. Unless otherwise required by law, we will not share your personal information with any company, organization, or individual.

3. Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any other company, organization, or individual, except under the following circumstances:

(1) Transfer your personal information according to your prior explicit consent;
(2) If your personal information is transferred as a result of an asset transfer, merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy liquidation, we will inform you and ensure that the surviving company or organization that will possess your personal information will be continuously bound by this Policy. If the purpose or method of processing personal information changes, we will require the surviving company or organization to seek your explicit consent again.

4. Public disclosure

In principle, we will not publicly disclose your personal information. If your personal information must be publicly disclosed, we will inform you of the purpose for disclosure, the type of personal information to be disclosed, and whether any sensitive personal information is involved, and seek your separate consent.

5. Under any of the following circumstances, our sharing, transfer, or disclosure of your personal information is not subject to your consent:

(1) Where it is necessary for the execution and performance of a contract requested by you;
(2) Where it is necessitated by the performance of our legal obligations (including submitting your personal information to judicial or law enforcement departments);
(3) Where it is necessary for responding to public health emergencies, or for the purpose of protecting your or others’ health and safety or property in emergencies;
(4) Where the personal information is used in news reporting or public sentiment monitoring in the public interest within a reasonable scope;
(5) Where processing the personal information collected from publicly available information within a reasonable scope;
(6) Other circumstances specified in laws and administrative regulations.

III. How we protect your personal information

1. We will retain your personal information for a limited period necessary for achieving the purposes specified in this Policy, unless otherwise required by law. We will timely delete or anonymize your personal information after such retention period expires.

2. We take measures and technical means conforming to the industry standard to retain and protect your personal information and to prevent your personal information from being leaked, tampered with, unauthorized use, misused, or destroyed.

3. Though we will endeavor to protect the security of your personal information, the transmission of the information

via the Internet is not one hundred percent secure. Please also actively take measures to protect your personal information, such as not disclosing your account and information to others.

4. In case of any personal information security incident, we will, in accordance with requirements set out in laws and regulations, inform you promptly of relevant matters. Meanwhile, we will report the status of the handling of the security incident as required by the regulatory authority.

IV. Your rights

You can access and manage your information by the following methods, and we will respond to your request in accordance with the laws and regulations.

1. You have the right to access, correct, and update your personal information, and obtain a copy of your personal information. You may reach us via the contact information provided in Section VII and we will respond within the time limit prescribed by law.

2. In addition to the personal information necessary for the business functions, you may contact us to change the scope of your consent. When you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of personal information which has been carried out based on your authorization.

3. We will guarantee your rights in deleting your personal information and only retain your personal information for a limited period required by the laws and regulations. Under any of the following circumstances, you may contact us to delete your personal information:

  • When our processing of personal information violates laws and administrative regulations;
  • When we collect or use your personal information without your consent;
  • When our processing of personal information violates our agreements with you;
  • When the purpose of processing your personal information has been achieved, cannot be achieved, or the processing is no longer necessary (e.g., when you no longer use our services);
  • When we no longer provide you with any Products and Services;
  • When you have withdrawn your consent to our processing of your personal information.

When you exercise the above rights, we may require you to verify your identity in order to protect your personal information security.

V. How we transfer your personal information globally

We provide our Products and Services through global resources. Therefore, when you register for activities, download materials, and seek cooperation, after you contact us and provide your contact information, your personal information (please refer to the “Contact Us” section for specific types of personal information) may be transferred abroad. Our overseas recipient is []. If you do not wish to transmit your personal information overseas or wish to exercise other personal information rights under this Policy, you can contact us through [Part VII Contact Information]. We will respond to your request within the time limit specified by law.

VI. How this Policy is updated

1. We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time.

2. Without your explicit consent, we will not diminish your rights under this Policy. If this Policy is updated, we will release the updated version and send prominent notifications (e.g., publish in a prominent position on the homepage, push pop-up windows). Please review the updated version to ensure that you are fully aware of the updated content of the Policy.

If you do not agree to our revision of the Policy, please stop using this Website immediately. If you continue to use this Website after this Policy is updated, you are regarded as having fully read and agreed to be bound by the updated Policy.

VII. Contact us

1. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this Policy or our use of your personal information, please feel free to contact us via [].

2. To verify your identity, you may be required to provide additional materials or written requests for processing your request and/or complaint. We will respond within the time limit prescribed by law.

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